Reliable Melt Filters for Process Protection
Nordson’s BKG NorCon LD-SWE melt filters are designed to safeguard downstream equipment and improve the quality of virgin melt. These discontinuous piston screen changers are easy to clean and maintain, making them ideal for extrusion, batch production, masterbatch, compounding, and polymerization processes.
The BKG NorCon LD-SWE is a discontinuous melt filter with a piston screen changer, primarily used for processing virgin materials. It also serves as a protection filter, installed directly behind the extruder to shield downstream equipment from damage.
Featuring oval-shaped screen cavities, the LD-SWE offers an expanded filtration area, ensuring efficient operation and superior melt quality.
Availability of Filter Cavities
Number of filter cavities in production mode during different process steps | |
Regular Operation | 1 screen cavity (100%) in the process |
Backflush | Not applicable |
Screen Change | During screen change, no screen cavity is in position to continue operating the melt filter |
Benefitting Your Process
Increase Profitability
- Optimize operating costs with quick and easy cleaning, minimizing line shutdowns
- Enhance flexibility with rapid material and color changes
Increase Quality
- Achieve consistent quality with effective filtration of virgin materials
Increase Convenience
- Benefit from operator-friendly cleaning processes
- Easily adjust the hydraulic system using intuitive hand control valves